Input Data Module

The first step in conducting an analysis is to upload the input data file to be used in SWIB. The users can run SWIB either by using the test dataset or by uploading a new dataset.
For practicing with SWIB and better understanding how the various components of the model work, the user can use the test data set provided (two years of daily data), by clicking on “Try the tool using the test dataset” button. The test dataset contains two years of daily required data and validation data for a research site located at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Harrington Experimental Farm (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island). The validation data included in the test dataset consists of daily water table elevations (VD1) and air temperature (VD2).
For using SWIB the users can upload their own datasets. The model accepts source data sets in Comma Separated File (csv) format. The users can use the “Download Sample File” button located on the Upload User Data Page (Load Data) or the “Export Input Data - Daily” menu to obtain a correctly formatted input file that can be used as a model for populating the input data file with user data. The user input file can be uploaded to SWIB by using the “Upload user data” button. SWIB allows uploading of files with maximum 7500 rows (~20 years of daily data). It is recommended to split the input data set in blocks of 20 years daily timeseries when the intent is to analyze longer time periods. It should be noted that the model cannot accommodate missing data (i.e. blank rows in required data columns) or erroneous data entries, and hence it is recommended that the integrity of the source data is verified before uploading. An error message will be displayed, and the user will be redirected to the Load Data page if inconsistencies are detected in the user file.
The input data file consists of a tabular file with 1 column dedicated to calendar date, 4 columns dedicated to input data (TP - total precipitation, SM - soil moisture, ETA - actual evapotranspiration, RCH - groundwater recharge) and up to 5 columns dedicated to validation data (VD1 to VD5). The first four columns of the user input data consist of required data (i.e. Date, TP, SM, and ETA) and have to contain values in all rows. The rest of the columns in the user input file (i.e. RCH – groundwater recharge, VD1 to VD5 – validation dataset 1 to 5) are optional and can be left blank if data is not available. The validation data sets are not restricted to certain parameters and can include time series for any parameter that the user would like to use for comparing with the output from SWIB. Examples of validation datasets include drainage, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, soil temperature, groundwater table elevations, etc.
The number of columns, data format and the units of the various weather parameters required for the input file are shown in the next table:
Required Columns Date Total Precipitation Soil Water Content Actual Evapotranspiration Groundwater Recharge Validation Data (max 5 columns)
Required Units yyyy-mm-dd mm m3/m3 mm mm user choice
Required Values eg. 2021-12-24 ≥ 0 Between 0 and 1 Between 0 and 200 Between 0 and 500 user choice
  • Consult section 3.1. Requirements and formatting for input and validation data for a detailed explanation of all the parameters used in the input data file
  • Required data:
    Date – use yyyy-mm-dd format;
    Total Precipitation [mm];
    Soil Water Content [m3/m3]
    Actual Evapotranspiration;
  • Optional data:
    Groundwater recharge [mm];
    Validation data [user provided] - leave blank if no data is available
  • The tool requires daily data
  • Use the first row of the data set for column headings
  • SWIB includes limited input data quality check routines and hence, the user must ensure that the input data set is suitable for analysis (e.g., check dataset for missing values, parameters, erroneous values, etc.)

On this page the user can specify the beginning and the end of the growing season in the boxes provided at the bottom of the page. These dates are used for averaging the various parameters during the growing season (GS) and outside of the growing season (OGS). In SWIB, it is assumed that these dates are not changing from year to year and hence, the start and end dates use the mm-dd format (the year is ignored as the same dates are applied to all years available in the input data file).

Once the input dataset is loaded to SWIB via the Load Data button, the view switches to Table View. See section 4.7. for instructions regarding the inspection of datasets using tables and graphs as well as for the various options available for exporting the data.

Once the loading and inspecting of the input data is completed the user can click on the Water Stress menu entry at the top of the page to advance to the first calculation module.

Consult section 3.1. and section 3.3. for more details.